Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Text File
899 lines
-- 3-Dimensional Tic Tac Toe --
-- Play 3 dimensional tic-tac-toe against one of two computer algorithms
-- or against another human -- or let the two computer algorithms play
-- each other. Which algorithm is better?
-- There are two major data structures. positions describes each board
-- position. lines describes each possible winning line of 4 positions
-- in a row.
include graphics.e
include mouse.e
constant TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0
constant ON = 1, OFF = 0
constant GRAY = 8,
sequence pcolors -- colors of circular markers
constant SQUARE_SIZE = 24
constant TOP_LEFT = {240, 26}
constant KEYB = 0, SCREEN = 1 -- I/O devices
NPOSITIONS = 64, -- number of board positions
NLINES = 76 -- number of 4-in-a-row lines
type line(integer x)
return x >= 0 and x <= NLINES
end type
type Position(integer x)
return x >= 0 or x <= NPOSITIONS
end type
type all_positions(sequence x)
return length(x) = NPOSITIONS
end type
type all_lines(sequence x)
return length(x) = NLINES
end type
type boolean(integer x)
return x = TRUE or x = FALSE
end type
type players(sequence x)
return length(x) = 4
end type
type player_number(integer x)
return x = 1 or x = 2
end type
type positive_int(integer x)
return x >= 1
end type
type natural(integer x)
return x >= 0
end type
type human_count(integer x)
return x >=0 and x <= 2
end type
type move_value(integer x)
return integer(x) and x >= -1
end type
type time_delay(integer x)
return x >= 0 and x < 1000
end type
type reason_number(integer x)
return x >= 1 and x <= 10
end type
type three_digits(sequence x)
return length(x) = 3
end type
type move_number(integer x)
return x >= 111 and x <= 444
end type
all_positions positions
-- positions is a list of all the board positions
-- positions 2-d sequence columns:
LINES_THRU = 1, -- the number of lines passing through this position
LINE1 = 2, -- the first of up to 7 lines passing
-- through this position
NLIVE = 9, -- the number of "live" lines passing through this position
NEXTP = 10, -- index of next position (or 0)
PREVP = 11, -- index of previous position (or 0)
AVAIL = 12 -- is this position available, 1 = yes, 0 = no
all_lines lines -- lines is a list of all the lines of 4 positions in a row
-- it is indexed from 1 to NLINES
-- lines 2-d sequence columns:
COUNT = 1, -- number of "live" markers on this line
POS1 = 2, -- first position of 4
POS4 = 5, -- last position
NEXTL = 6, -- index of next line (or 0)
PREVL = 7, -- index of previous line (or 0)
STATUS = 8, -- status of this line
-- possible status of a line:
EMPTY = 0,
HUMAN = 2,
DEAD = 3
sequence lp -- L->P format
all_positions pl -- P->L format
sequence dbl -- used in 3x3 check
players ptype, -- player types
pname -- player names
line fptr, -- free position list
cptr, -- computer's line list
hptr, -- human's line list
eptr -- empty line list
player_number player
natural cmoves, hmoves, l2
boolean endgame, found
human_count humans
move_value bestval
atom x
procedure Delay(time_delay t)
-- waste some time
atom t0
if humans = 0 and endgame = FALSE then
end if
t0 = time()
while time() < t0 + t/700 do
end while
end procedure
procedure Why(reason_number reason)
-- show the reason why the computer made its move
position(22, 11)
if reason = 1 then
elsif reason = 2 then
puts(SCREEN, "FORCE 3X3 ")
elsif reason = 3 then
puts(SCREEN, "FORCE 3-2-2-1 ")
elsif reason = 4 then
puts(SCREEN, "FORCE 3-2-2 ")
elsif reason = 5 then
puts(SCREEN, "PREVENT 3X3 ")
elsif reason = 6 then
puts(SCREEN, "PREVENT 3-2-2-1 ")
elsif reason = 7 then
puts(SCREEN, "PREVENT 3-2-2 ")
elsif reason = 8 then
printf(SCREEN, "VALUE=%d ", bestval)
puts(SCREEN, " ")
end if
end procedure
function Get4th()
-- grab the final winning 4th position in a line
integer pos
for z = POS1 to POS4 do
pos = lines[x][z]
if positions[lp[pos]][AVAIL] = 0 then
return pos
end if
end for
end function
function Find2()
-- Find two lines that intersect where I have 2 markers on each line.
-- I can take the intersection and create two lines of 3 at once.
integer pos
for z = POS1 to POS4 do
pos = lines[x][z]
if positions[lp[pos]][AVAIL] = 0 then
dbl[l2] = pos
l2 = l2 + 1
end if
end for
if l2 < 4 then
return 0
end if
for z = l2 - 2 to l2 - 1 do
for z1 = 1 to l2 - 3 do
if dbl[z] = dbl[z1] then
found = TRUE
return dbl[z]
end if
end for
end for
return 0
end function
function FindA()
-- find forcing pattern "A"
integer k, z1, line, zz
k = 0
for z = POS1 to POS4 do
z1 = lp[lines[x][z]]
for i = LINE1 to positions[z1][LINES_THRU] + 1 do
line = positions[z1][i]
if lines[line][STATUS] = l2 then
if lines[line][COUNT] = 2 then
k = k + 1
end if
end if
end for
if k = 3 then
zz = z
end if
end for
if k = 3 then
found = TRUE
return lines[x][zz]
end if
return 0
end function
function FindB()
-- find forcing pattern "B"
integer k, z1, line
k = 0
for z = POS1 to POS4 do
z1 = lp[lines[x][z]]
if positions[z1][AVAIL] = 0 then
for i = LINE1 to positions[z1][LINES_THRU] + 1 do
line = positions[z1][i]
if lines[line][STATUS] = l2 then
if lines[line][COUNT] = 2 then
k = k + 1
end if
end if
end for
if k = 2 then
found = TRUE
return lines[x][z]
end if
end if
end for
return 0
end function
function FindMax()
-- find best free position
integer i, bestm
i = fptr
bestval = -1
while i do
if positions[i][NLIVE] > bestval then
bestval = positions[i][NLIVE]
bestm = i
elsif positions[i][NLIVE] = bestval then
if rand(7) = 1 then
bestm = i
end if
end if
i = positions[i][NEXTP]
end while
return pl[bestm]
end function
function mouse_square(sequence spot)
-- map x,y mouse coordinate to plane, row, column
integer x, y
natural m
spot = spot - TOP_LEFT
x = spot[1]
y = spot[2]
-- which plane are we on?
m = 111
while y > 4 * SQUARE_SIZE do
y = y - 4.5 * SQUARE_SIZE
x = x - 2.5 * SQUARE_SIZE
m = m + 100
end while
-- which row are we on?
while y > SQUARE_SIZE do
m = m + 10
end while
if x > 4 * SQUARE_SIZE then
return 0
end if
-- which column are we on?
while x > SQUARE_SIZE do
m = m + 1
end while
if x < 0 or y < 0 then
return 0
return m
end if
end function
function GetMove()
-- get human's move via the mouse
natural m
object event
while TRUE do
position(20, 1)
puts(SCREEN, repeat(' ', 30))
position(20, 1)
puts(SCREEN, ' ' & pname[player])
puts(SCREEN, "'s move? ")
event = -1
while atom(event) do
event = get_mouse()
end while
m = mouse_square(event[2..3])
if m >= 111 and m <= 444 then
if lp[m] then
if positions[lp[m]][AVAIL] = 0 then
puts(SCREEN, repeat(' ', 30))
end if
end if
end if
end while
return m
end function
procedure AdjValues(integer x, integer delta)
-- adjust the "value" of positions along a line
integer pos
for z = POS1 to POS4 do
pos = lp[lines[x][z]]
positions[pos][NLIVE] = positions[pos][NLIVE] + delta
end for
end procedure
procedure Relink(integer player, integer x)
-- adjust some data structures after a move
line prev, next
next = lines[x][NEXTL]
prev = lines[x][PREVL]
if player = COMPUTER then
AdjValues(x, 1)
lines[x][NEXTL] = cptr
lines[x][PREVL] = 0
if cptr then
lines[cptr][PREVL] = x
end if
cptr = x
lines[x][NEXTL] = hptr
lines[x][PREVL] = 0
if hptr then
lines[hptr][PREVL] = x
end if
hptr = x
end if
if prev then
lines[prev][NEXTL] = next
if next then
lines[next][PREVL] = prev
end if
eptr = next
if eptr then
lines[eptr][PREVL] = 0
end if
end if
end procedure
function digits(natural x)
-- return the 3-digits in number x
three_digits d
d = {0, 0, 0}
while x >= 100 do
d[1] = d[1] + 1
x = x - 100
end while
while x >= 10 do
d[2] = d[2] + 1
x = x - 10
end while
d[3] = x
return d
end function
procedure PrintMove(move_number move)
-- print the move that was just made
three_digits d
integer px, py
d = digits(move)
py = (d[1] - 1) * 4.5 * SQUARE_SIZE + (d[2]-1) * SQUARE_SIZE + TOP_LEFT[2]
px = (d[1] - 1) * 2.5 * SQUARE_SIZE + (d[3]-1) * SQUARE_SIZE + TOP_LEFT[1]
for i = 1 to 3 do
ellipse(GRAY, 1, {px+1, py+1},
{px + SQUARE_SIZE - 2, py + SQUARE_SIZE - 2})
ellipse(pcolors[player], 1, {px+1, py+1},
{px + SQUARE_SIZE - 2, py + SQUARE_SIZE - 2})
end for
if endgame then
end if
if player = COMPUTER then
cmoves = cmoves + 1
hmoves = hmoves + 1
end if
end procedure
procedure Another(line x)
-- add to the number of positions occupied by a player
-- along a line x
integer inarow
inarow = lines[x][COUNT] + 1
lines[x][COUNT] = inarow
if inarow < 4 then
end if
puts(SCREEN, pname[player])
puts(SCREEN, " WINS! ")
endgame = TRUE
for i = 1 to 4 do
for j = POS1 to POS4 do
end for
end for
end procedure
procedure Delete_c(line x)
-- delete from computer list
line prev, next
prev = lines[x][PREVL]
next = lines[x][NEXTL]
if prev then
lines[prev][NEXTL] = next
cptr = next
end if
if next then
lines[next][PREVL] = prev
end if
end procedure
procedure Delete_h(line x)
-- delete from human list
line prev, next
prev = lines[x][PREVL]
next = lines[x][NEXTL]
if prev then
lines[prev][NEXTL] = next
hptr = next
end if
if next then
lines[next][PREVL] = prev
end if
end procedure
procedure init()
-- initialize variables
integer temp, u, line, t
endgame = FALSE
cmoves = 0
hmoves = 0
for i = 1 to NLINES do
lines[i][STATUS] = EMPTY
lines[i][COUNT] = 0
end for
for i = 1 to NPOSITIONS do
positions[i][LINES_THRU] = 0
positions[i][AVAIL] = 0
end for
line = 1
for i = POS1 to POS4 do
lines[line][i] = (i-1) * 111
lines[line+1][i] = (i-1) * 109 + 5
lines[line+2][i] = (i-1) * 91 + 50
lines[line+3][i] = (i-1) * 89 + 55
end for
line = line + 4
for i = 1 to 4 do
for j = POS1 to POS4 do
lines[line][j] = i * 100 + (j-1) * 11
lines[line+1][j] = i * 100 + (j-1) * 9 + 5
lines[line+2][j] = (j-1) * 101 + i * 10
lines[line+3][j] = (j-1) * 99 + i * 10 + 5
lines[line+4][j] = (j-1) * 110 + i
lines[line+5][j] = (j-1) * 90 + 50 + i
end for
line = line + 6
end for
for i = 1 to 4 do
for j = 1 to 4 do
for k = POS1 to POS4 do
t = 100 * i + 10 * j + k - 1
u = (i - 1) * 16 + (j - 1) * 4 + k - 1
lp[t] = u
pl[u] = t
lines[line][k] = t
lines[line+1][k] = 100 * j + 10 * (k-1) + i
lines[line+2][k] = 100 * (k-1) + 10 * i + j
end for
line = line + 3
end for
end for
for i = 1 to NPOSITIONS do
positions[i][PREVP] = i - 1
positions[i][NEXTP] = i + 1
end for
positions[1][PREVP] = 0
positions[NPOSITIONS][NEXTP] = 0
fptr = 1
for i = 1 to NLINES do
lines[i][NEXTL] = i + 1
lines[i][PREVL] = i - 1
for j = POS1 to POS4 do
t = lines[i][j]
u = lp[t]
temp = positions[u][LINES_THRU] + 1
positions[u][LINES_THRU] = temp
positions[u][temp+1] = i
end for
end for
cptr = 0
hptr = 0
eptr = 0
lines[NLINES][NEXTL] = 0
lines[1][PREVL] = 0
for i = 1 to NPOSITIONS do
positions[i][NLIVE] = positions[i][LINES_THRU]
end for
position(15, 2)
puts(SCREEN, "3-D ")
puts(SCREEN, "tic ")
puts(SCREEN, "TAC ")
puts(SCREEN, "toe ")
end procedure
procedure UpdateMove(move_number m)
-- update data structures after making move m
Position x1
line x2
integer prev, next, val, s
x1 = lp[m]
positions[x1][AVAIL] = 1
prev = positions[x1][PREVP]
next = positions[x1][NEXTP]
if prev then
positions[prev][NEXTP] = next
if next then
positions[next][PREVP] = prev
end if
fptr = next
if fptr then
positions[fptr][PREVP] = 0
end if
end if
for j = LINE1 to 1+positions[x1][LINES_THRU] do
x2 = positions[x1][j]
s = lines[x2][STATUS]
if s = EMPTY then
lines[x2][STATUS] = player
lines[x2][COUNT] = 1
Relink(player, x2)
elsif s = COMPUTER then
if player = COMPUTER then
lines[x2][STATUS] = DEAD
AdjValues(x2, -2)
end if
elsif s = HUMAN then
if player = HUMAN then
if lines[x2][COUNT] = 2 then
val = 4
val = 0
end if
AdjValues(x2, val)
if lines[x2][COUNT] > 1 then
val = -5
val = -1
end if
lines[x2][STATUS] = DEAD
AdjValues(x2, val)
end if
end if
end for
end procedure
function Think()
-- pick the best move, return {move, reason for it}
integer m, mymoves, myptr, me, him, hisptr, hismoves
found = FALSE
if player = COMPUTER then
mymoves = cmoves
hismoves = hmoves
myptr = cptr
hisptr = hptr
him = HUMAN
mymoves = hmoves
hismoves = cmoves
myptr = hptr
hisptr = cptr
me = HUMAN
end if
-- Have I got 3 in a row?
if mymoves >= 3 then
x = myptr
while x do
if lines[x][COUNT] = 3 then
return {Get4th(), 9}
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
end if
-- Does the other guy have 3 in a row?
if hismoves >= 3 then
x = hisptr
while x do
if lines[x][COUNT] = 3 then
return {Get4th(), 1}
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
end if
-- Do I have a 2x2 force?
if mymoves >= 4 then
x = myptr
l2 = 1
while x do
if lines[x][COUNT] = 2 then
m = Find2()
if found then
return {m, 2}
end if
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
-- Do I have a 3-2-2-1 force ?
x = eptr
l2 = me
while x do
m = FindA()
if found then
return {m, 3}
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
-- do I have a 3-2-2 force?
if mymoves >= 5 then
x = myptr
while x do
if lines[x][COUNT] = 1 then
m = FindB()
if found then
return {m, 4}
end if
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
end if
end if
-- does the other guy have a 2x2 force?
if hismoves >= 4 then
x = hisptr
l2 = 1
while x do
if lines[x][COUNT] = 2 then
m = Find2()
if found then
return {m, 5}
end if
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
-- does the other guy have a 3-2-2-1 force?
x = eptr
l2 = him
while x do
m = FindA()
if found then
return {m, 6}
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
-- does the other guy have a 3-2-2 force?
if hismoves >= 5 then
x = hisptr
while x do
if lines[x][COUNT] = 1 then
m = FindB()
if found then
return {m, 7}
end if
end if
x = lines[x][NEXTL]
end while
end if
end if
-- just pick the move with the most possibilities
return {FindMax(), 8}
end function
procedure Setup()
-- create major sequences
object name
positions = repeat(repeat(0, 12), NPOSITIONS)
lines = repeat(repeat(0, 8), NLINES)
lp = repeat(0, 444)
pl = repeat(0, 64)
dbl = repeat(0, 52)
ptype = repeat(0, 4)
pname = ptype
ptype[1] = COMPUTER
ptype[2] = COMPUTER
pname[1] = "DEFENDO"
pname[2] = "AGGRESSO"
position(15, 1)
puts(SCREEN, " Name of player 1? (cr for DEFENDO) ")
name = gets(KEYB)
name = name[1..length(name)-1]
humans = 0
if length(name) > 0 then
pname[1] = name
ptype[1] = HUMAN
humans = humans + 1
end if
puts(SCREEN, "\n Name of player 2? (cr for AGGRESSO) ")
name = gets(KEYB)
name = name[1..length(name)-1]
if (length(name) > 0) then
pname[2] = name
ptype[2] = HUMAN
humans = humans + 1
end if
end procedure
procedure draw_plane(integer color, integer x, integer y)
-- draw one plane of the board
for i = 0 to 4 do
draw_line(color, {{x, y+i*SQUARE_SIZE},
end for
for i = 0 to 4 do
draw_line(color, {{x+i*SQUARE_SIZE, y},
end for
end procedure
procedure make_board(sequence top_left)
-- display the board
for i = 0 to 3 do
draw_plane(COLORS[i+1], top_left[1]+2.5*SQUARE_SIZE*i,
end for
end procedure
procedure ttt()
-- this is the main routine
sequence m
player = rand(2) -- first game is random
-- loser goes first in subsequent games
while TRUE do
while endgame = FALSE do
if fptr then
if ptype[player] = HUMAN then
m = {GetMove()}
m = Think()
end if
player = 3 - player
puts(SCREEN, " A DRAW ")
end if
end while
position(19, 1)
puts(SCREEN, " Another game? (y or n) ")
if find('n', gets(KEYB)) then
end if
end while
end procedure
if graphics_mode(18) then -- VGA
puts(1, "VGA graphics is required\n")
end if
if graphics_mode(-1) then
end if